About Us

We are a very active neighbourhood community centre situated in Woodrising, a suburb on the western side of the beautiful Lake Macquarie in NSW.
Our Vision

To encourage the establishment of services which are necessary to develop, promote, maintain and improve the well being of community members. In conjunction with residents, Neighbourhood Centre management, staff, other organisations and government departments – to develop networks, services and activities that address the major needs of community members who reside in west Lake Macquarie.

To provide confidential and professional counselling for the alleviation of poverty, suffering, misfortune, destitution and homelessness to distressed individuals and families without discrimination.
​Support and assist to establish services operating from Woodrising Neighbourhood Centre and encourage other agencies and services to outreach to the local community.


Woodrising Neighbourhood Centre was built in 1986 through Landcom & Department of Housing  funds as a section 94 Contribution (dedicated to Lake Macquarie City Council) to help address the Social and Human Service Development for the areas of Booragul and Bolton Point, Marmong Point, Fennell Bay, and Woodrising ‘Landcom’ Housing Estate .


The first worker was a Centre Co-ordinator, initially based at the old Booragul Neighbourhood Centre, followed by a Housing Estate Worker in 1987, who had been based at Lake Macquarie City Council Chambers. The Co-ordinator position was funded by the Department of Housing.  In June 1989 the Housing Estate Worker replaced the Centre Coordinator and was employed as the Centre Manager. This position was funded under the Hunter Area Assistance Scheme.


In 1991 the Centre received renewable funding from the Department of Youth & Community Services, later known as The Department of Community Services. (With this change in 1991, the Centre’s name was changed to Woodrising Neighbourhood Centre Inc.)


In 1987-89 the Centre Manager was involved in the Department’s Neighbourhood Centres Programme which was instrumental in developing a set of guidelines for future funding and providing an effective network of multi-purpose Neighbourhood Centres throughout NSW.



During the 25 years to 2012, the Centre Manager played a role with other service providers in developing partnerships to acquire funding and service development for this Centre and a number of other Westlake Macquarie communities & services:

  • Adolescent & Family Counsellor (WNC)
  • Financial Counselling (WNC)
  • Gambling Counselling (WNC)
  • Free Legal Advice Service (WNC)
  • Woodrising Youth Centre (adjacent) – auspice body later became Woodrising Community Pre-school
  • Westlake Macquarie Family Support Service, Toronto – from 2011 to be known as The Canopy, Cameron Park
  • Lake Macquarie Community Services Resource Centre – later known as CMAP
  • Tanderra Women’s Refuge – later known as Westlake’s Women’s & Children’s Refuge
  • Bolton Point/Booragul Community Renewal Program
  • The Quigley Grapevine (Quigley Cooperative -2002 – 2009)
  • LCSA Policy Development Workshops
Woodrising Neighbourhood Centre
Our mission – “In Partnership, Helping to Empower our Community”

Counselling Services

Woodrising Neighbourhood Centre offers a wide range of FREE help to members of the community.  Our major areas of confidential assistance are:

Financial Counselling

Financial counselling aims to raise the financial literacy of clients. To empower clients to regain control of their financial situation and learn life long skills that will assist them to make informed decisions in the future. This service is non-judgmental, confidential and free. Don’t let bills, lack of money, creditors, maxed out credit cards get out of control.

This well established service provides a quality service to the people of Lake Macquarie. Funding is provided through the Office of Fair Trading.

Financial Counsellors provide:

  • Basic counselling and referral
  • Financial analysis and assessment
  • Information provision in credit and debt related areas
  • Options for remedying the crisis or difficulties
  • Advocacy for clients
  • Review on an ongoing basis, keeping things on track
  • Education, on a one on one or in a group situation

Financial Counselling:

  • Helps families stay together
  • Helps people in crisis regain control of their lives
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Reduces emotional crisis
  • Reduces the number of bankruptcies
  • Can facilitate the repayment of debt
  • ​Improves financial management skills

Referrals and appointments can be made by phoning (02) 4950 5108 

Adolescent & Family Counselling

Adolescent and Family Counsellors provide free confidential Counselling services. Adolescent and Family Counsellors are members of a professional NSW wide Counselling Association.

Adolescent and Family Counsellors provide a safe environment for young people aged 12 to 18 and their families to discuss issues when:

  • There is conflict at home
  • When issues cause unhappiness, fear or anger
  • When there is a sense of hopelessness
  • When something traumatic has happened
  • When there are safety concerns
  • When there is a belief that change is needed
  • When issues with friends, school, work or family are impacting negatively on their lives

What a Counsellor does

Adolescent and Family Counsellors confidentially support and work with young people and their families to achieve positive change by:

  • Providing strategies to cope with family relationship issues.
  • Providing an environment to discuss and address issues such as risky behaviors
  • Providing a counselling environment that encourages the discussion of emotions
  • Providing a safe place to build the skills that empower the young person and their families to overcome difficulties.

The AFC Counselling Service

The Adolescent and Family Counselling Service provides a centre based counselling Service at Woodrising Neighbourhood Centre as well as an outreach in the local government area of West Lake Macquarie.

Changing and challenging times

Adolescent can be a really challenging time not only for young people but also for their families.

The young person is changing physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually. It is time of natural transition in human development of young people of moving towards independence. The ability to progress through this transition safely, with increasing rights, freedoms and responsibilities often becomes problematic for young people and their families.  

Counselling offers a neutral confidential support environment that can facilitate positive changes during these challenging times


The Adolescent and Family Counsellor (AFC) is a free service. Families and young people can self-refer by speaking with the Counsellor directly on (02) 4950 5018. 

Alternatively, the Adolescent and Counsellor will return any phone enquiry that has been left on the Services message bank. Enquires about the AFC service can also be made to Woodrising Neighbourhood Centre Administration (02) 49594624. The Adolescent and Family Counsellors accepts referrals from a wide range of community sources. 

Please contact the Counsellor for further enquiries (02) 4950 5018

Our fully trained and accredited Counsellors are there to help with solving problems you are having. Don’t suffer in silence – quite often our Counsellors can come up with ideas and contacts you may not be aware of.


Don’t forget – if in doubt ask the Centre Manager or Admin staff. Or phone 4959 4624

Venue Hire

Woodrising Neighbourhood Centre has rooms that are available for hire. Hiring is at the discretion of the Manager. Download the Terms and Conditions and Hiring Agreement Forms as listed below.


A summary of what we have available is:

Activity Room 1 or 2 – Suitable for workshops or meetings or activities up to 20 people

Activity Room 1 and 2 – Suitable for workshops or activities for up to 40 people (seated) or up to 60 people for a function

Computer Training Room – Suitable for up to 12 people for meeting or training or up to 10 people for computer training using laptops

Rates are reviewed annually; please contact the centre for current rates.

Weekly Activities

Bookings are essential for some of these services. Just call into the WNC or phone 4959 4624

Referrals & Advocacy
WNC provides connections to a wide range of other services in the local area. If you need help with a specific problem but you are unsure where to turn discuss it with one of the Centre staff.
Free Legal Advice

Wednesdays, fortnightly; available by appointment.


A free ‘supported’ playgroup during school terms from 10 am to 12 pm.

Parenting & Support Programs

Programs are run regularly in conjunction with other family support services.

Justice of the Peace (J.P.)

JP Service are generally available from Monday to Friday.

Photocopying, laminating, printing and fax services

Available for minimal cost Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 3.00 pm.

Woodrising Neighbourhood Centre acknowledges and pays respects to the Awabakal people, the traditional custodians of the land upon which we work and meet.


  • Wednesday 12/03
    • 12:30 pm
      1:30 pm

      ANCETA Group Exercise

  • Thursday 13/03
    • 10:00 am
      12:00 pm

      PLAYGROUP Free

  • Friday 14/03
    • 12:30 pm
      1:30 pm

      ANCETA Group Exercise

  • Monday 17/03
    • 4:00 pm
      8:30 pm

      JENZ Dance Classes

  • Tuesday 18/03
    • 4:30 pm
      8:30 pm

      Sato-Kai Karate

  • Wednesday 19/03
    • 12:30 pm
      1:30 pm

      ANCETA Group Exercise


Would you like to know more?
Contact our friendly staff today!

Address: 80 Hayden Brook Road, Woodrising, NSW 2284


Postal Address: PO Box 56 Toronto, NSW, 2283


Phone: 0249594624


Fax: 0249593030


Email: [email protected]

We are open 9am – 3pm, Monday – Friday


(Closed on Public Holidays)